International Investments Agents

BIX International Consulting Ltd. is the German based Consulting Group managing the implementation of major International Investment Projects:

Airports        Hotels       Renewable Energy      Manufacturing        Distribution
Shopping Malls         Public Transport          Marinas    Import          Export

Around the world we got direct contacts with the leading companies in the listed sectors.

First we analyze the project, discuss the project with the companies interested to invest.  Together  we  check  the alternative financing possibilities.

Our local agents will arrange the direct contact between the private or government developer and the investing companies.

When the projects will be  realised, we charge an investment- and / or turnaround related compensation.

For all questions and solutions, to eliminate all bureaucratic barriers, our local experts are always ready to act on behalf of the investors or  the developer.

BIX International Consulting Ltd. works exclusively with credible  clients and contractors. Discretion and reliability are part of our highest German standards

BIX International Consulting Ltd.    
Hugo Henkel Straße 42a
40883 Ratingen

HRB Düsseldorf 92101
UST Nr. DE340246980

Tel. +49 172 2129 000

CEO Diplom-Oeconom Bernhard A. Ix